PAT Testing

Portable Appliance Testing

Portable Appliance Testing is a combined visual and electrical check to make sure electrical appliances are safe to use.

Although PAT Testing is not a legal requirement it does give you peace of mind that you have done all you can to eliminate the risk of fire, shock or burns. It might also be a requirement of your insurance.

We will first carry out a visual check of each item, looking for everything from cracks or flaws in casing or insulation, to loose screws inside the plug.

We will then  carry out PAT Testing using the Parker Bell PB500.  Our machine is calibrated annually to ensure that results are accurate and reliable

On  completion of the portable appliance inspection and testing we will provide you with a report detailing

  • Each appliance tested -  type, name, location and description
  • A full set of test results for each appliance tested
  • A full list of any failed items with an explanation of their failure
  • A visible pass or fail label on each appliance detailing the inspection date, next test due and the inspector’s signature.

First 4 Fire love to keep things simple and straightforward when it comes to pricing and PAT Testing is no exception.

We charge just £1.10 per item (plus VAT) - minimum charge £15.00

Plus we give you a choice of how you would like to receive your results with either a hard copy written report of your items or a digital spreadsheet version

Call us today to arrange a visit or contact us below

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